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New Student Orientation Advisement Appointment - Students are expected to be registered in classes before they come to campus for their New Student Orientation. If not, our office may set aside time on that day for your Academic Advisor to help you register for classes and give you an opportunity to ask questions, learn more about Salukinet, discuss majors, etc.

It is possible to be advised after New Student Orientation. The earlier that you register for classes the more options you will have. So, don't wait too long. Registering late may create difficulties in obtaining financial aid and could result in a small fee.

In-Office Academic Advisement Appointment - These are the most common advisement appointments for students who are close enough to SIU to come to campus easily or for students who are already on campus. You can use an advisement appointment to discuss any questions or concerns that you have. Other common topics include course registration, discussion/change of major and referral to SIU services.

Virtual or Phone Advisement Appointment - Students can get advised virtually prior to coming to SIU for their first semester or between semesters. Virtual advisement appointments require that students have access to Salukinet. That means they need to have access to a computer, Internet and they must remember their password. Your Advisor will confirm details with a link on how to connect the day of.

If a student needs to complete advisement over the phone, they simply need to call our office (618-453-4351) at the time of their appointment.

Walk-In Advisement - These are first come/first serve advisement sessions. Every advisor has at least an hour every day available for walk-in advisement. These sessions are intended for answering student questions, making changes to a current schedule or referrals to SIU services. These sessions are NOT intended for full advisement/course registration.

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