FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2025, 12:36 PM
How is a student admitted to SIU as Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative?
How is a student admitted to SIU as Exploratory-Undecided?
Can you please explain Exploratory Student Advisement advising services?
What type of orientation do new students receive?
How do I satisfy my Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative program requirements?
What is UNIV 101-Saluki Success?
How and when can I declare my intended major?
How is a student admitted to SIU as Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative?
The program admission committee reviews Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative applications and conducts a holistic review which includes factors such as high school transcript information, standardized test scores, and a personal statement. All students who are determined to be eligible for admission will be mailed contracts. After students return their contracts, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will notify students that they are officially admitted into the Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative program.
How is a student admitted to SIU as Exploratory-Undecided?
The most common way that students are admitted as Exploratory-Undecided is by indicating on your SIU application that you are undecided. You may also be in the department if you are seeking acceptance into a selective admissions program. Several majors at SIU have special admission requirements or an additional application.
Can you please explain Exploratory Student Advisement advising services?
Students approved for admission into ESA are advised into courses selected from the SIU Core Curriculum requirements. Students are advised throughout their first year in school by professional academic advisors who help them select courses for the first two semesters of their freshman year and for the fall semester of the sophomore year. When students meet with their advisor for their third semester class selection, the advisor informs students of the process for petitioning out of ESA and into the major of their choice.
What type of orientation do new students receive?
New Student Orientation (NSO) is a one-day program for new SIU students and their families and supporters. After NSO, you'll know what to expect on your first day of classes. NSO will make sure you are ready to make the most of your time when you first arrive on campus and throughout your academic career. Click here to find out more information on how to prepare for NSO.
How do I satisfy my Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative program requirements?
The Exploratory-Saluki Success Initiative program opportunity requires students to remain in the program throughout their freshman year and complete all program requirements. Students may not transfer to another academic unit until after they successfully complete UNIV 101, have a 2.0 cumulative GPA, and fulfill the academic unit requirements of their preferred major.
What is UNIV 101-Saluki Success?
UNIV 101: Saluki Success is SIU's dynamic and exciting first-year experience course! We encourage you with SIU's admonition to "know no bounds.” This is a required, one or two credit hour course which meets a Core Curriculum requirement. Here we dream about the future, connect with our campus community, and explore the richness of SIU's legacy.
How and when can I declare my intended major?
Students in the Saluki Success Initiative program can declare their major after two standard semesters with the program if they are in good academic standing, above a 2.0, for most majors. Some programs require additional screening or application material. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS
Students who are Undeclared may choose to declare their major at any time. SIU processes major changes within the first two weeks of the semester. Any changes made after that time frame will take effect in the next semester.
Review the policies in the Undergraduate Catalog here.
For other questions, you can reach out to our main office at: exploratory@siu.edu